Saturday, December 4, 2010

South Hedland?

Well I went to pick up the TV yesterday. And it was neither as big as they told me, nor as working. Apparently it starts of black and white whenever you turn it on before it 'warms up'. Not that that really matters, since our second TV makes a noise that renders it unwatchable.

It was lovely to catch up with B&D though, who I haven't seen in probably about a year. I did have to make some lame excuse about why I hadn't been to see B in Spamalot though, which she just finished. She was very gracious though and let me use the "Well, you have a child, I know it's hard to get out," excuse. I am so useless at going to see other people's shows! But I suppose since I haven't subjected anyone to any of MINE for the past year, that it's a fair exchange.

Anyway, we did have a lovely chat, but it was cut short by Stig being grumpy. I was mildly annoyed until I realised that it was actually 5pm and about time for his dinner. As a result we didn't make it to the shops, and the cake didn't get made. Maybe later today.

The Husband (he still needs a nick) slept through his alarm this morning and woke up when he would usually leave for work. I feel sorry for whoever is his partner today...shower in a can...need I say more?
I also got a message on Facebook from AM to say she's coming back from avacado packing over east and wants to stay for a night or too. I'm very excited to have my house buddy back, even if it's only for a couple of nights. Hopefully it's a Glee night!! :P

Also we have pretty much decided that we are going to apply for a spot in South Hedland. I'm still not sure how I feel about this, but I guess it must be done for the money. It's a really good chance to get ahead while Stig is still young. At least South Hedland is a relatively large town, and I should be able to retain some amount of anonamyinity there. It's free rent too, which means we'll be ahead already, even if we don't rent out this house. It's just strange. The amount of incentive there is to go there, you'd think SOMETHING has to be wrong with it. Ah well, we will just have to wait and see. If anyone wants to give me the heads up on South Hedland, feel free....

I get the distinct feeling that I'm talking to myself......

--Slinky xxx

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