Sunday, December 5, 2010

Movie - Twin Sisters

I watched a fantastic movie on SBS last night. I hadn't planned on staying up after Ninja Warrior and The Unbeatable Banzuke (both brilliant shows!), but the husband was already snoring away, so I thought I might as well see what was on next.

Twin Sisters is a moving story of twin sisters separated at a young age, and how their different lives unfolded. One grew up in a privileged Dutch family, and the other in squalor on a farm in Nazi Germany. The story flicked back and forth between their time as young women, and a chance meeting near the end of their lives.

This film has some truly heartbreaking moments, as well as some unexpected twists. Based on real events, it's shocking to think today of how utterly war destroys. Not only the loss of life and destruction during battle, but the survivors ripped apart, their lives changed forever. Not just the waste of youth in the fighting, but those left behind, who are doomed to live a future not meant for them.

This film left me thinking how things might have been, not only for these characters, but for thousands of real people, but for the war. I wonder if any can say that their lives were better for it? Was there a 'gift in the darkness' for anyone? Or were all those touched by war changed for the worse? I guess we'll never know, because we have no way of knowing what might have been.

This film made me think also about the current state of affairs in the world today. War is inevitable. There has always been war, and there always will be. War is a lucrative business. I guess it's unrealistic to wish for peace. I wonder if a day will ever come when war is considered just some strange barbaric custom that our ancestors used to do? I wonder if religion (the cause of many a war) will one day be the same? I wonder if one day our lives will unfold lazily, as they were meant to. Not wasted.

Hmmm, some interesting ramblings...what do you think?

Susan Boyle - The Gift

This morning I have done an absolute blitz of the house and now the Stig is in bed and my house is sparkly clean! And it's only 10:30!!

In an effort to motivate myself, I downloaded Susan Boyle's new album, The Gift. I thought this would get me in the Christmasy mood, and I also liked her debut album very much. My thoughts on this one? Well, just looking at the track listing, I was pleased to see that the line up was not just your usual list of cheesy Christmas tracks. There are a couple of songs on there like the Crowded House tune Don't Dream It's Over, that I was very interested to hear her take on. Unfortunately, although Boyle has a lovely voice, the album suffers from a bit of 'same, same but different,' syndrome. Apart from sounding very much like her first album, the tracks all sound very similar to each other. And her bland take on the Crowded House track left me somewhat disappointed. I mean, if you're going to cover a track, at least give it something new and fresh, right?

Anyway, I must say that I'll probably listen to the album again, despite these sentiments. I guess Boyle has just decided to stick to what she knows best, and although it's enjoyable for an album or two, it leaves me wondering how long she'll be able to keep doing it. Fans of her first album will probably enjoy this one, but be left with the feeling that this could be a downward slide into sameness and mediocrity.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

South Hedland?

Well I went to pick up the TV yesterday. And it was neither as big as they told me, nor as working. Apparently it starts of black and white whenever you turn it on before it 'warms up'. Not that that really matters, since our second TV makes a noise that renders it unwatchable.

It was lovely to catch up with B&D though, who I haven't seen in probably about a year. I did have to make some lame excuse about why I hadn't been to see B in Spamalot though, which she just finished. She was very gracious though and let me use the "Well, you have a child, I know it's hard to get out," excuse. I am so useless at going to see other people's shows! But I suppose since I haven't subjected anyone to any of MINE for the past year, that it's a fair exchange.

Anyway, we did have a lovely chat, but it was cut short by Stig being grumpy. I was mildly annoyed until I realised that it was actually 5pm and about time for his dinner. As a result we didn't make it to the shops, and the cake didn't get made. Maybe later today.

The Husband (he still needs a nick) slept through his alarm this morning and woke up when he would usually leave for work. I feel sorry for whoever is his partner today...shower in a can...need I say more?
I also got a message on Facebook from AM to say she's coming back from avacado packing over east and wants to stay for a night or too. I'm very excited to have my house buddy back, even if it's only for a couple of nights. Hopefully it's a Glee night!! :P

Also we have pretty much decided that we are going to apply for a spot in South Hedland. I'm still not sure how I feel about this, but I guess it must be done for the money. It's a really good chance to get ahead while Stig is still young. At least South Hedland is a relatively large town, and I should be able to retain some amount of anonamyinity there. It's free rent too, which means we'll be ahead already, even if we don't rent out this house. It's just strange. The amount of incentive there is to go there, you'd think SOMETHING has to be wrong with it. Ah well, we will just have to wait and see. If anyone wants to give me the heads up on South Hedland, feel free....

I get the distinct feeling that I'm talking to myself......

--Slinky xxx

Friday, December 3, 2010

TV Dinner

So now I'm sitting here listening to the Stig talking/grizzling away to himself in the cot. Afternoon naps have not been too popular of late. This is probably a good thing though, as I'll have to get him up in a bit to go out and pick up a tv.

A friend of mine was chucking out an old school 51cm tv and I got in first to snavel it up! Our last kerbside tv is basically dead in that it starts making an awful whining noise after it's been on for a while. Enough to drive anyone insane. So I'm gonna replace it with a new kerbside tv, and thankfully, it's currently kerbside collection in our area too, so it can go straight out.

In other news I WAS looking for something inspiring to make for dinner, but came across a recipe for orange cake, and I think I have to try it. Looks like it's pizza and cake for dinner then :) Well for the big folk anyway! Sorry Stiggy.

--Slinky xxx

My First Post!

So, this is my first post!

Probably noone is going to read this blog at all, but for the sake of my sanity I've decided it's probably a good thing to get my ramblings out onto paper..or screen...or whatever!

I was inspired by a friend who's starting his own blog on the 1st of January, as a kind of new years resolution. I thought that was a great idea, but why wait until then to start? I thought this way I could capture all the christmas crazyness.

I suppose I should tell you a little about myself too :)
I'm a 26 year old stay at home mum, with a 13 month old boy (that's Stig), from Perth, Western Australia. I guess my husband probably should have featured in the title of this blog too, but he really doesn't have any interesting nickname! I'll have to think one up for him to use in this blog. Suggestions welcome :P

Anyway, I guess there should be some point to this blog too, so once again I'm going to take a leaf out of my friend's book and say that I shall be reviewing any movies I watch. In addition, I'll review books too, and hopefully share some funny moments, good recipes and a bit of venting and moaning too.

Well, I had better sign off for now since Stig will be waking from morning nap any time now and I'd better have his lunch ready!
Suggestions on a good sign off line welcome too :P

--Slinky xxx